首頁 > 最新消息 >Forcepoint在最新的 2018 NSS Labs 次世代防火牆測試評比中,再次蟬聯安全防禦有效性測試冠軍!



Forcepoint在最新的 2018 NSS Labs 次世代防火牆測試評比中,再次蟬聯安全防禦有效性測試冠軍!

Forcepoint在最新出爐的 2018 NSS Labs 次世代防火牆測試評比中,再次以最高的分數蟬聯安全防禦有效性測試冠軍,並且Forcepoint在測試中實證了Forcepoint NGFW的效能,在一般非加密流量中超越了Data sheet提供的技術數據,而加密流量效能,Forcepoint更超越了Data sheet提供數據的148%,Forcepoint NGFW再一次在技術測試中擊敗對手也超越了自己 !

以下分享重點的測試報告內容,同時您也可以在此下載 forcepoint.com/nsslabs.

Forcepoint NGFW receives highest security efficacy score for 3rd time in a row in 2018 NSS Labs’ NGFW Test

Industry Analyst Report

Forcepoint NGFW has received its sixth consecutive highest rating of “RECOMMENDED” from NSS Labs—a perfect record since they began testing next generation firewalls.

NSS Labs’ latest tests show that Forcepoint NGFW offers the leading combination of enterprise security and affordability.

NSS Labs

For the third NSS Labs Group Test in a row, Forcepoint NGFW has received the highest score in security efficacy. This year’s test was significantly more difficult with 39% more evasion tests, but Forcepoint NGFW still stopped 99.7% of all attacks and blocked 100% of evasions.

“The Forcepoint 2105 had the highest security effectiveness in the NSS Labs 2018 NGFW Group Test and its throughput was rated even higher than Forcepoint’s claimed performance.”
- Vikram Phatak, CEO, NSS Labs

The throughput measured by NSS Labs outperformed even our own published rates, achieving 102% for unencrypted traffic and 148% for SSL/TLS traffic.


NSS Labs is the leading independent, third-party assessment that tests network security products under real-world conditions.

Download the free report to view the full test results and analysis from NSS Labs.

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